The end of an era.
My "home and workplace" for 10 years of my life is sadly being taken apart.
Let me explain; I worked on a Gas Compression Platform called MCP01 for 10 years of my career. It was located in the North Sea 110 miles north of Aberdeen. I worked a 2 week on 2 week home rota like most people did then in the North Sea oil & gas industry. Therefore it was inevitable that I would become attached to the place. It was like a village and it had lots of characters from all walks of life. We worked hard during the day but had a good social life in the evenings playing games, having quizes and watching films together. Christmas & New Year were always very special too with the best of food and professional entertainment flown out to the platform for our pleasure. We also put on our own entertainment specials too. All good fun.
Now MCP01 is being taken apart as it has stopped being part of the UK / Norway gas transmission system and is redundant.
TOTAL E&P along with Aberdeen University have commenced a project on the UK part of the FRIGG system from the design & construction through to their decommissioning, tying in with colleagues working on the Field including a history of the life on board.
Here are some photos below of the recent event held by TOTAL & Aberdeen University when I met up with Barry Scott & Harry Ross to reminisce over past good times.

Photos from past times.