2 Jan 2006

"Proud" by M People

Well, that's another year gone!

Some things that I achieved in 2005:

a. I retired from work in February.
b. I passed my Public Service vehicle test in April
c. I passed my Long Goods Vehicle (Class C) test in June
d. My son, Bruce, graduated from University in July
e. I travelled to Moldova with humanitarian aid in December
f. I was accepted to sit on the Aberdeenshire Children’s Panel.
g. I went fresh water loch fishing in Ireland
h. Cycled the North West of Scotland

Main events for 2006:

a. My Daughter's Wedding in April
b. Loosing enough weight to allow me to get into my kilt for Claire's wedding
c. Refurbishing our house hallway, and kitchen and converting one bedroom into a study
d. Cycle and walk somewhere in Scotland with John and Harry
e. Play golf more

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